
Churchwood Stanley has been assessed and accredited for being within the top 10% of estate agents based on performance in 2021 throughout the country.

We are extremely proud to see Churchwood Stanley recently listed in the independent Best Estate Agency Guide outperforming 90% of 15,000 estate agents analysed throughout in the UK having been being accredited with an excellent rating.

Particular pride comes from the rigorous assessment of the broad property services that we offer by a prestigious industry renowned third party.

Property marketing, sales performance, customer service, customer feedback and website performance were all scrutinised over the last 6 months of 2021 through Rightmove data, a mystery shop and a specialist website assessment.

What makes this even more remarkable for us is that we were unaware that we were being judged and this goes to prove that the fundamentals of our business, underpinned by exceptional company values are to the benefit of our sellers, landlords, buyers and tenants.

We look forward to moving you in 2022.

Darryl Stanley


See more at beag.co.uk

How were we assessed?

There are approximately 1 million properties listed on Rightmove for sale and for let at any point in time. The performance of every listing is analysed over a six month period as the first part of the assessment. From this a shortlist of agencies is drawn up whose offices are mystery shopped and their websites assessed for content, performance and responsiveness.


Property Marketing

Every single Churchwood Stanley listing was assessed by tracking:

- Average number of daily detailed page views versus the average for the area

- Average number of daily website leads versus the average in the area

- % properties with online digital walkthrough


Results were monitored by tracking:

- % of new instructions in the area

- Did the property sell or let?

- The average time to sale or let versus the average in the area

Mystery Shopping

Customer Service

Professional mystery shoppers have assessed us on:

- professionalism and courtesy

- listening and understanding

- being knowledgeable and informative

- Response times to handling queries and requests quickly

Website Assessment

A independent specialist website company assessed ChurchwoodStanley.co.uk with against a comprehensive 36 point criteria centred around marketing and customer service.

This assessment included:

- Ease of interaction

- Expertise

- Property marketing

- Social proof and reviews

- Mobile responsiveness and optimisation for search engines

We are absolutely delighted to have ranked higher than 90% of estate agencies in the country. If you are looking for the right estate agent to represent your property needs then we are sure that you have just found them.